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BREAKING NEWS: 2025 Bass Pro Tour Schedule Announced

Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour has announced their 2025 schedule for professional bass fishing tournaments. The Bass Pro Tour is limiting their group of anglers to 65 in 2025, and this schedule of events is as good as it can get for fans who love the format and love bass fishing. Where are they going? What should we expect from each stage from the BPT?
#2025schedule #bassprotour #bassfishing

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  1. Got accepted as a boat official for Harris and Saginaw Bay. We spend the winter in Leesburg so it works out for me. Looking forward to the adventure. DId St Clair a couple years ago.

  2. The schedule in my opinion is going to be dominant in the Professional levels. They threw in a few locations that haven't been seen in a few years. And now, with the reduced field and 4 day live stream, I think they just knocked it outta the park! The Viewership numbers are gonna jump dramatically. Especially, when we can guess that BASS will most likely have the same schedule of lakes as they have had for the last decade.
    MLF changed it up, and looks like all these locations for 2025 won't necessarily be FFS dominant. These locations really allow for anglers to fish their strengths in my opinion.

  3. Great video, but when the guys go to the Potomac River which is tidal, they will be fishing for largemouth in the grass and I am sure they will catch an snakehead or two as well. As far as smallmouth, I am not going to say there are not any in the Potomac River because the Potomac conservation report shows them in there, however there catch per haul from 2016 – 2020 .58. They also did not have any newer info that I saw. I myself have fished there in a hand full of FLW and BASS events and I don't ever recall seeing a smallmouth.

  4. I respect your opinion but could not disagree more with the quality of the 2025 schedule. I thought MLF did a good job mixing in some different (non-TVA) fisheries this season such as Eufaula, Chowan and the James River. These fisheries made anglers fish outside the box and work through challenges such as the tide and high/muddy water conditions. Dale Hollow was a great addition also even though it falls into that TVA type category. 2025 has multiple perennial powerhouse lakes that are highly pressured and very familiar to a lot of the field who will likely fish on history such as Chick, Murray, Kentucky, and even some would argue Harris. This sets up for the rich to get richer such as Wheeler, Connell, and others.

    In 2025 MLF did good by going to the Potomac and back to Saginaw and I applaud them for that. The Potomac is pressured but anglers can spread out and fish a variety of ways. Those should be FFS events but a variety of strategies could be leveraged to win. MLF's conservation efforts do not and should not stop at the catch, weigh, and release format. They have a responsibility to fish a variety of lakes to show the diversity of fisheries and hopefully spread out lake pressure. The amount of pressure especially on the TVA lakes, Murray and Harris is astronomical. Murray has sustained but Harris is in bad shape. MLF visiting these sites in 2025 will accelerate that strain even more. Just go to some lakes that are not recycled sites like you did in 2024.

    Just one guys opinion. Your content is great! Keep it up.

  5. Like the schedule, only one tidal river, this always, is a curve, even to the best . The top pay out, is better for the winner. Smith Mountain, is not a real heavy hitters lake. Should have it, where there are big fish.

  6. Good information! Good schedule for big fish. Not crazy about beating them up during the spawn but if the State lets them…🤷‍♂ I still think the fish should be hooked in the mouth since FFS is being used. If they can see the fish in real time its sight fishing right? ✌ I mean they have been designing jerk baits to drop on the fish they see. JMO

  7. Meh . . . typical boring AF schedule. . . . brinng on the Cal Delta . . . or the Columbia River . . . Lake Powell . . . . only reason they go these stupid fisheries if for a cell signal.

  8. Enjoying your channel bud! Even though I don’t follow MLF anymore, that is a good schedule. But I’d like to see both pro circuits spread the schedules out into the fall. Give them some new challenges

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