
Bassmaster Opens EQ (Watts Bar Day 1)

The Bassmaster Opens are absolutely a marathon and not a sprint! I after a solid start to the season there are 3 events left and here is my day one on Watts Bar in Tennessee. I had high expectations for this tournament and they really didn’t go as planned. Follow along through short fish a blown lower unit and some misfortune having to release a fish that measured earlier in the day.


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  1. Great recap. sucks you had motor trouble. At least you were close to Caney Creek. when I saw you throwing in there I thought man he is going to smash them. Surprisingly there are some really good fish that live in there. I fished with Charlie Hartley on day 1 and Justin Kimmel on day 2. Tough to get those keeper bites. We had motor trouble on day 2 with Justins Shift actuator going out so I had to bring his fish in almost an hour early. Good luck in the Ozarks and Florida.

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