
Bassmaster Moves Closer To Livescope Ban?…Elite Series Pros Begin To Pressure BASS To Ban FFS..

Randy talks about the latest developments in the war against forward facing sonar…#catchandrelease #fish #bassmaster #bass #angler #bassfishing #fishing #fishingtrip #fishingdaily #fishinglife #fishing

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  1. Good news, and in addition the haul em back for live weigh ins should stop, and no use of electronics with weigh points that opens up too many can of worms.

  2. Way to go Randy this is what America's all about bud and your right the best part of fishing to me is casting out and not knowing if a 5 pounder is gonna come eat my bait maybe it will maybe it won't but that's what keeps you coming back and when you do catch it it makes you feel like you did the impposible. With livescope you can catch 5 pounders every cast. It's just today's society everyone wants everything NOW RIGHT NOW they can't wait there turn oh no. Keep going Randy your a good dude.

  3. In my mind, there’s so many reasons why “spotlighting” is trash for the sport! But more importantly, “spotlighting” is trash for our fisheries in general! It’s obvious over time that scoping will become more affordable to the average angler. By all means, there’s nothing wrong with keeping some fish to eat, but it’ll (more then likely) get to the point to where fisheries will greatly suffer with the rapid advancements of this technology. I know I could be overreacting, but each states DNR may to take a hard look at what this technology could do to its recourse…

  4. This move will stymie the imaging industry. What you have today will be the end of the product evolution. They will however continue to charge crazy money for bigger screens. The big three manufacturers will grease the pockets of B.A.S.S, and nothing will change. However, I am however a fan of randomizing events to include the feature. I also feel we should have some old school 2D events as well. Lets make it fun and exciting for the fans.

  5. Randy, while I am in favor of not letting the tournament contestants use FFS during the tournament, I'm not in favor of a total ban. Further, we fans have zero skin in the game, the professional angler's do. They're the one's paying the entry fees and they most certainly should be asked their opinions. Fans vote via viewing the shows. There is no reason for B.A.S.S., mlf, NPFL nor any other tournament organization to be officially polling the fans.

  6. You know part of the problem you see with people just staring at their screens is the expanded coverage you see on T V or bass live if you had the same amount of coverage back in the day as you have now you'd be watching 2 hours of someone going down the bank for 2 blowups they need to rethink their coverage. Don't forget it looked more exciting before because you had 4 days of fishing condensed into a 1hr show

  7. If the viewers don't want to watch it, Bassmaster can easily not put the FFS users on the screen. Easy fix. Then everyone at home can watch the guys NOT winning the tournaments. Lol

  8. Randy, you keep talking about conservation and protecting the resource (the fish). If that truly your concern your are preaching to the wrong choir, if FFS is going to be the demise of the sport then local and state governments need to get involve and pass laws in regards to this issue. At the end of the day, Bass and MLF only account for a small percentage of pressure applied to the "resource". So if FFS is going to eliminate the resource then fishing (not just bass) is on a collusion course with disaster.

  9. Amen – The public or consumers voice should be #1. Related, can we now work on banning electric cars or at least our governments push to tell me what I can drive or not drive?

  10. The other argument is that the average viewer (not the ones with the 70k bass boat) are interested in watching techniques on how to catch fish. These viewers relate to fishing landscape rather than watching a video screen. It's similar to watching body Builders. Steroids can give you an amazing physique, but at the end of the day, the average Joe wants to know what he or she can accomplish naturally. The first organization to ban forward facing sonar will have a first mover advantage. The pros don't really need it to catch big fish except for the ones you want to fish off shore and use an A rig.

  11. Your opinion on this subject is the exact opposite of Kevin VanDam. There were four rookies in the Elite Series this year that have won tournaments. This is unheard of compared to the past history of bass. What's also interesting is that one particular Japanese Angler never fishing these Lakes before actually placed in the top three and w o n an event. The things that they are learning about fish Behavior and the changing of lures is immense. Livescope is a tool and it's here to stay deal with it bro

  12. We do not care if they use to practice with but make it illegal in the tournaments !!!! Getting tired of them catching fish they just pick out. Tired of watching it.!!!

  13. If you don't want to watch ffs why don't you just tournament fish yourself. Or maybe it has to do with gambling and not entertainment anymore. With all the fan complaining how much money have you donated to the sport of class A tournament fishing. I mean really it's always weather you understand what I'm saying or not it's all about gambling. You pay money for an entery fee your gambling and if YOUR not gambling then what are you even saying?

  14. I can see BASS and MLF starting out with putting a limit on the number of units an angler has on his boat. The angler will have to decide what he can live without at any one time FFS, 360, mapping, sonar, DI or SI

  15. I'm surprised they get any viewership at all. I don't think there's anything Elite about having forward facing sonar on your deck. Elite should mean that you can go out there with a cane pole and a worm and catch fish.

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