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Bass fishing with trout minnows (Watauga Lake)

In this episode I go bass fishing with trout minnows on Watauga Lake. My new friends Nate and RD show me the ropes as we catch huge bass and one surprise Walleye. I hope you enjoy the adventure.

#Winterbassfishing #wintertroutminnowfishing #Winterwalleye

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Below is a list of gear that I use and recommend, thank you for your support.

▶ Check Out Some Of My Favorite Videos!

Love of trout fishing (Brook Trout) –
Find the bait (Challenge) –
Trout Bites Every Cast (Fish In a Barrel) –
You Won’t Believe what I find underwater (Croppie Heaven)
Catching Big Striper –
HUGE Fish on small tackle –
Live Bait for Lake Trout –
You won’t believe what I find while fishing –



We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Watauga lake was my favorite place to stay when I was stationed at Fort Bragg. Ended up getting married in Johnson City. The Watauga Winery was the first place I paid to drink and is still my favorite winery.

  2. Nice shot of rat branch and the barely visible dam in the background on the trip in. Wnd its cold on that lake in winter. Dropping a dimiki rug on spots in sub freezing air temps and water not much warmer.

  3. I've been watching a number of your videos as preparation for an upcoming visit to Watauga in March. My brother (and his new boat) lives there. Your videos have been very informative and helpful since neither of us is familiar with East Tennessee waters and methods. In this video are you using anything beyond a hook with a free-sliding egg sinker…no swivel/leader, etc.? Thanks for all your great content! (P.S. I used to use Kale hooks when fishing for rock/reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico. They are great for keeping fish from getting gut-hooked.)

  4. That is exactly how I grew up fishing with my dad. We loved bank fishing for bass, walleye, and catfish. We used a lot of hornyhead minnows and creek chubs that we would seine from the surrounding creeks. We used drink cans with rocks in them too. This video took me back to my childhood. Awesome video.

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