Arizona April bass fishing report. Lakes discussed include Roosevelt, Saguaro, Canyon, Pleasant, Apache, Alamo, Bartlett, and Havasu.
#arizonabassfishing #arizonafishing #bartlettlake #bassfishing #rooseveltlake #saguarolake #lakehavasu
Arizona April bass fishing report. Lakes discussed include Roosevelt, Saguaro, Canyon, Pleasant, Apache, Alamo, Bartlett, and Havasu.
#arizonabassfishing #arizonafishing #bartlettlake #bassfishing #rooseveltlake #saguarolake #lakehavasu
4100 fishermen have signed up.
Thank you Josh, appreciate the updates and tips! Good luck on tour
Great video, was at Roosevelt last weekend and it is picking up! Just subscribed. We have a similar channel if you want to check it out. Thanks!
Appreciate your reports! Always full of good info
Thanks for the info. Sounds like this year year will be an epic spawn that will bring AZ fishing back to what it was in the late 90's early 00's in the next few years.
canyon dropped 5 ft last week and most of the bass were off beds and chasing bluegill and shad. going back tomorrow.
How are you guys setting up you Humminbird unit for water level at Roosevelt?….. I can’t seem to get it right thanks
Awesome update thanks josh.
Thanks so much for taking time to give us tips and info on our local waters! Good luck this season, I'm root'n for ya! Stay safe!
Great info! Thank you!
Great advice Josh! I'll be sure to keep moving until i find them. The bucks at Roosevelt are up and smoking the frog.
Was at Pleasant this morning. Carp were everywhere going crazy busting out of the water and thrashing around in the shallows. Seemed to have pushed all the bass into deeper water. Caught 1 5lb female in about 10ft, nothing shallow.
Thanks for the update Josh! Have to say I “Always” look forward to your videos as I “Always” learn a lot from them sir! Go Team Josh! (Kick some Aesh this year!)
I went to sag this morning 2 bass in 3 hours water had alot of debris and temp was 55 degrees very slow was hoping the temp was higher looks like they pumped alot of water in the last couple days.
Bartlet to muddy!
Went to Apache a few days ago. Fishing was awesome and I’ve never seen the water so clear there. Roosevelt…. Not so much
Thx Josh and good luck for the rest of the tourney season!
Why don't they have stripped bass in Roosevelt??????
Good info!
Saguaro was down 4 feet Monday, dirty and debris in the water. Temps were about 55 degrees
Thank you for the report! Always good. I was at Saguaro Monday 4/10 and didn't catch a thing. Nor did I see others around me. I saw Daniel Elias video posted yesterday and he and his co-angler were catch tanks and a lot of fish. What gives?