Went on down to North Georgia to fish a small creek for some redeye coosa bass and whatever else I can get. I figured the @RebelLures crickhopper would work and I was right.
Discount codes below!!
6 ft light rod https://amzn.to/3f9K4sN
reel piscifun 2000 size https://bit.ly/348Xf6S
crickhopper https://bit.ly/2Mbfy6b
yum craw papi https://bit.ly/3tcER8A
Rebel / Bobby Garland / Yum / Booyah and more!!!
USE MY CODE ”DALTON15” for 15% off at https://www.lurenet.com/
Crickhopper http://bit.ly/2Mbfy6b
Craw http://bit.ly/3cbXMu4
PISCIFUN Fishing Rods/Reels / Wading Pack / Fishing tools
Use My CODE “CREEK15” for 15% off at https://www.piscifun.com/
My Wading Bag http://bit.ly/3sREOz3
My waders http://bit.ly/3a53eMM
NIKKO Hellgrammite / Winnows swimbait / Craw / Tadpole and More!!
Use My Code ”creek10” For 10% off anything at https://nikko-fishing.com/
Hellgrammite http://bit.ly/3phBgDO
Winnows swimbait http://bit.ly/2YnYZ9v
Gopro Hero 7 https://amzn.to/3nw6xRM
gopro mic adapter https://amzn.to/3i7tFoR
gopro mic https://amzn.to/3bq3uIr
Editing Software Filmora Wondershare
***FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/creekfishingadventures/?__tn__=%3C
***INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/creekfishingadventures
–***Want to Send me something ***–
P.O. Box 5692
Cleveland, TN 37320-5692
I'm in Georgia looking for some creek fishing spots, any advice?
Love that you catch and release. Maybe be a little more gentler when releasing instead of just tossing them back in the water. Just my opinion.
what rod is that??
Love fishing creeks!! ❤️❤️
Wish I had time to do this
Looks identical to my creek lol
me creek looks like this
The red belly and the cousa r absolutely gorgeous damn man I've never seen either one of those
My daddy raises beef cattle and he's got 100 acres and he's got a 10-acre pond that he dug out and then Natural Springs you know filled it up but he had it stocked with every kind of fish you can imagine Channel Cats big Channel cat Bass bluegill it's stocked with all kinds of fish it is so much fun to go out there and fish it's quiet private property it's really fun to swim in also it's here in Arkansas
That's absolutely beautiful where is that Creek
toggaf fishing.
Ignore small streams & creeks at your peril!
5:00 holy crap. Those glasses are cheating. 😜✌️
Don’t you guys have ticks there? Wading with short pants …wow
I have several Rebel lures and my 2 favorites are the gold Bumblebug and the neon green/orange Crick Hopper. Catch huge bluegill and crappie at my local pond.
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Love your channel. Subscribed a few weeks ago. The locations you fish with the close forests and shallow creeks is exactly what I would love to explore in my area. I'd be more apt to do so if I wasn't a deer fly, horse fly and mosquito magnet. I don't know what it is about me (shower at least once a day sometimes twice) but within 30 seconds of exiting my pickup they are on me. Keeping me away from these types of places that I'd love to spend a couple hours each day after work enjoying. 🙁 Living vicariously through your videos.
where is that at?